- Society
- Activities for schools
The incoming orientation activities include: participation in orientation events such as trade fairs and salons aimed at high school students; the organisation of the University's institutional Open Doors events; general presentations of the University and its educational offerings in schools; the creation of Summer Training Modules, i.e., pathways for transversal skills and orientation; and the management of an information desk to support future students and their families. During 2019-20, the activities came to a drastic halt due to the pandemic, and it was therefore necessary to start a major process of transformation and rethinking of the activities in order to convert them into a mode that could be used at a distance. The thousands of students involved in 2020, despite the health emergency that arose, testify that the objective can be considered to have been achieved and the new modes of communication experimented during the pandemic represent an enrichment also for the years to come to support future students in making an informed choice of university.
2021 figures show that the activity has gone up to speed again, also taking advantage of the new means of remote communication experimented during the pandemic.