Outgoing guidance

  • Society
  • Services for businesses
  • Outgoing guidance

The Career Service carries out placement and job orientation activities for undergraduates, recent graduates and PhDs at the University with the aim of reducing the time it takes to enter the labour market. Job@ UniTS is the University's Career Day, an important event that connects graduates and PhDs to the world of business and local institutions. The Career Service organises job placement and orientation events (Recruitment Day, Job Orientation Workshops, Business Game/Hackathon/Challenge). The Career Service stays in touch with graduates who have embarked on a relevant career path to help students and recent graduates with job orientation. The Alumni Project consists of three initiatives: the Testimonial web page (interviews and video interviews), Focus on Professions (monthly online meetings), Homecoming - Success Stories and Aperitivo with Alumni (an annual event bringing together Alumni, students and graduates).

Obiettivo sviluppo sostenibile