- Society
- Dissemination of research outcomes
- Production of cultural goods and services
1.The Archivio degli Scrittori e della Cultura Regionale (Regional Writers’ and Cultural Archive) is open to the public both for research and teaching purposes and for independent visits (by appointment). It houses archive materials (23 registered document holdings), personal library holdings (8,495 catalogued units), and artistic materials (475 units). The archive expands its holdings through external donations.
2. The Archivio storico di Ateneo (University Historical Archive) can be accessed by appointment. The holdings (1877-1980) include historical, technical-administrative, biographical and iconographic documents relating to the development and functioning of the University of Trieste.
3. The Pinacoteca di Ateneo (University Art Collection) is located in the Rector’s building and includes 29 paintings and 8 graphic works shown at the National Exhibition of Contemporary Italian Painting promoted by the University in 1953. The collection, which cannot be divided nor moved from its present location (restriction imposed by the Ministry of Culture’s declaration of cultural interest) can be visited by appointment.
4-5. The Collezione di Mineralogia e petrografia (Mineralogy and Petrography Collection) comprises a systematic collection of minerals and rocks and can be visited by appointment. The Collezione Marussi (Marussi Collection) holds tools for geodesic and geophysical measure - ments and can currently not be visited.
6. The Collezione di Scienze sanitarie (Health Sciences Collection) holds historical medical and diagnostic instruments and is open to all in the hall of the Polo Tecnologico dell’Ospedale Maggiore (Technological hub of the Main Hospital).
7. The Collezione di Scienze naturali (Natural Sciences collection) in the Department of Life Sciences can be visited by appointment.
8. The Collection of Machines and Instruments in the Department of Engineering and Architecture is currently in preparation.
9. The Collection of Instruments in the Department of Physics can be visited by appointment.
10. The Museo Nazionale dell’Antartide (Nation - al Antarctic Museum) shows materials and documents regarding the historiography, cartography and climatology of the Antarctic, as well as Italian and foreign scientific expeditions and explorations. It offers interactive exhibits and guided multimedia visits. There is an admission fee.
Since 2005, the Department of Humanistic Studies has been conducting an archaeological excavation of the centre of the Roman city of Aquileia in the area between the forum and the river port.
The site, granted by the Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio del Friuli Venezia Giulia (Superintendent of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region) and under the direction of Professor Federica Fontana, is a didactic excavation that seeks to train first degree, Master’s degree, specialisation school and doctorate students in field activities and the subsequent study and publication of materials discovered during the excavation campaigns. Work has led to the discovery of a large, late classical period house, known as the Domus dei Putti danzanti (House of the Dancing Cherubs) from the name attributed to a mosaic floor with Erotes inside flowered garlands found in one of the rooms.
The general plan of the House is still unknown, although the data collected so far would seem to suggest that it occupied the entire block, giving an estimated area of 10,000 square metres. Along the western edge, the insula was delimited by a cardo with a porticoed ambulacrum, onto which a line of workshops opened, underlining the vivacity of this part of Aquileia even in the late classical period.
The structures that have emerged and the body of material discovered, including a fragment of a rare diathetic cup, help to document the life of this important, late classical period residential complex that may have belonged to an imperial functionary.