- Other lines of action
- Other raw materials
In order to make the University community aware of responsible consumption of resources, the AReTS Project aims to encourage users to drink mains water while reducing the invasive and excessive use of plastic. To this end, dispensers of micro-filtered, sanitised and biologically pure 'on tap' water have been installed in 20 buildings. The dispensers will be part of the setting up, in the various buildings, of green corners that are intended as awareness-raising points for environmental sustainability issues and in which waste sorting bins are set up. The AReTS Project is completed by the production of UniTs customised water bottles, which are produced for the University's merchandise. The use of the water bottle for only one week makes it possible to cancel out in environmental terms the impact (in terms of production, transport, distribution) compared to the use of plastic for bottles in the ratio of 1 to 5 (impact of 1 water bottle = impact of 5 plastic 0.5L bottles. UniTS has implemented measures to mitigate and eliminate architectural barriers in buildings and open spaces. In 2022 it will begin the process that will lead to the drafting of the PEBA_Piano Abbattimento Barriere Architettoniche (Architectural Barrier Abatement Plan), on which it will allocate resources annually to proceed with all the interventions needed to make its environments fully accessible. To benefit all categories of users, it is also working on interventions for Orientation and Wayfinding.